3/16/2020 – COVID-19 Update
We have been actively transitioning all of our clients to video or telehealth sessions. We will be in touch with each client and work to ensure your comfort in this change, in this time. If you haven’t heard from us yet, please don’t hesitate to reach out! 608 615 7898.
What Fannin Counseling & Art Therapy is doing:
- All of the washing: hands, door knobs, art materials, and more. The office will be cleaned and disinfected when we’re ready to return.
- Offering video or telehealth sessions via a secure, HIPAA-approved site, called Doxy. You can meet Melissa there by going to doxy.me/melfannin.
Some things to consider for our video session:
- You’ll need internet access and a phone or computer.
- Plan to find a quiet, private location (this might even be your car).
- You may want to use earbuds and/or turn a fan on or place a sound machine outside your door.
- If the session is for a child or teen, please consider how you will ensure their privacy as well.
- Have a piece of paper and a few art materials on hand.
- Reach out if you have any questions or concerns! We are here for you!