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Self-Love (image left)
Baley Murphy
Acrylic Painting
36’ x 48’

Shift Exhibition
March 2-May 4, 2018.
Fri 5-7pm
Sat 10am-Noon
Sun 10am-Noon


In today’s society young women feel the need to cut themselves down instead of build themselves up. Every negative comment such as ” I’m so fat” or ” Wow, I’m ugly”, is like a slap/punch to the face. The woman pictured is truly beautiful but is bruised and bleeding from negative comments she says about herself.

Shadow Photo Artist Feature: Tricia Fannin

Smoke Signals Tricia Fannin Wood, graphite, burlap, leather, ribbon, found objects 10x10 NFS Shadow Photo Exhibition Friday, May 11 - July 6, 2018. Most Gallery Hours Check FB for Updates Fri 5-7pm Sat 10am-Noon Sun 10am-Noon More on Shadow Photo While examining my...

Shift Artist: Sarah Bina

Shift Artist: Sarah Bina

"Attenuating Existence"  (Self-Portrait) Oil on Canvas 7x7 Inche 165.00 The Sound of Malady (Self-Portrait) Oil on Canvas 14 H x 16 260.00 Shift Exhibition March 2-May 4, 2018. Fri 5-7pm Sat 10am-Noon Sun 10am-Noon MORE ON SHIFT ...

Shift Artist Feature: Jean Lauer

Shift Artist Feature: Jean Lauer

Prayer for Standing Rock Jean Lauer Mixed media collage and acrylic 9" x 12" NFS Shift Exhibition March 2-May 4, 2018. Fri 5-7pm Sat 10am-Noon Sun 10am-Noon MORE ON SHIFT Prayer for Standing Rock began as a painting reflection and...